What You Should Know About Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries
A biceps tendon injury is a tear or rupture of connective tissue that connects the biceps muscle of the upper arm to bones at either the shoulder (proximal tendon) or elbow (distal tendon). Proximal tears are more common than distal tears and usually are the the result of chronic overuse or an acute injury, such as a direct blow to the shoulder or falling onto an outstretched arm.
Does Ultrasound Therapy Really Work?
Therapeutic ultrasound is a treatment modality often used in physical therapy. It has been used historically to improve circulation and tissue healing, but research has called into question its efficacy. Does ultrasound really work, and is it an important component of your rehab program after an injury?
9 Exercises to Ease Shoulder Pain
Shoulder aches and weakness put a crimp in routine activities from playing sports and carrying toddlers to hauling groceries and swinging hammers. Below, experts in strength and body mechanics offer tips on shoulder exercises to help you live well, function better and ultimately become stronger and free of shoulder pain.
An Overview of Physical Therapy Exercises
If you have been referred to physical therapy after an injury or an illness, then you may have questions about what will happen. Most people visit a physical therapist because they are experiencing pain or difficulty with normal functional mobility. Your physical therapist may prescribe treatments and exercises to help you move better and feel better. One of the best ways to improve your overall mobility is with physical therapy exercises.
High-Intensity Shoulder Abduction Exercise in Subacromial Pain Syndrome
Purpose: To determine if adding high intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) of the rotator cuff to usual care was feasible in SAPS, and improved shoulder endurance more than usual care alone. Additionally, to examine the influence on shoulder pain and disability and the response of tendinous microcirculation following HIIT.